A review by sass_sass
Defiant by Candace Wondrak


That was a surprise

If anyone messes with Jaz, they'll be punished. Wow. After the ending of the first book, I had no idea what was coming, but I am so satisfied with the events in this book and with what might happen next. Candace Wondrak is a new author to me, having only discovered her this month, but I'm so pleased with her storytelling. She creates atmosphere in her books like I've not experienced with other authors. At least not in the same way.

There are so many secrets in Midpark, just waiting to be uncovered and it seems like someone is using Jaz and her plot for revenge to reveal some deep dark truths...but who is behind all of the mayhem? There are other players in this mystery, but I wonder if instead of helping Jaz, they're just building up to bring her down spectacularly?

At least she's got some support behind her. A friend in Bobbi, and something friskier in Vaughn, Dante, and Jacob...but can they be trusted? They've all got big secrets hidden from Jaz, too. It's only a matter of time before everything lets loose and I am here for it.

So, on that note I'm buzzing off to begin the third book until sleep takes me.