A review by cstary
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters


I read this as a teen and rated it 4 stars. I don't know what was wrong with me a decade ago but this is so a 5 star book. It's actually improved upon a second and third reading as you see all the plot points coming together.

Spoilers below:

At first Maud seems eye-rollingly innocent and meek, which bugged me at first. Then the plot twist comes and it's awesome. You realize the character you've come to know is actually a lie and you get a hundred pages to re-meet Maud from her perspective. Despite their simultaneous scheming, Maud and Sue remain sympathetic throughout the novel and I kept rooting for the couple even as they tried to trick each other. I love that your expectations of the characters change--Sue starts out as a devious thief, and by the ending you realize what a doll she is. Maud is the meek innocent, and you realize she is anything but.

This book, to me, has the perfect combination of romance and plot. I'd describe it as a romance with a strong plot. This is probably my favorite lesbian novel yet, although I have a few more on my bookshelf.

Side note, the BBC series is worth a watch, as well as The Handmaiden adaptation. The BBC version is a faithful adaptation. The Handmaiden is a bit ridiculous at times (the sex scenes) but barring that, I enjoyed the alternate ending and setting.