A review by angleon13
Evermore by Alyson Noël

I decided to reread this as an adult since this was one of my favorite series when I was around 12 years old and I was curious to remember why I loved it so much. It was a trip to say the least. 

I decided not to rate this as I consider that to be unfair knowing I am no longer the target demographic of this book, but I have some thoughts as an adult.

The first, Ever is the quintessential teenager. Superficial, immature, and possessing that teenage stubbornness. Her conversations and friends are equally superficial and childish. On the author’s side, bravo for creating a character that reads like a teenager. Now that I’m older, I wanted to bang my head several times while reading it. Reliving that mental headspace was painful and the things that Ever worried about or focused on just never made sense to me.

And at 26, if I can’t stand it, I couldn’t help but wonder how a man who is over 600 YEARS OLD could stand to be around the immaturity of a 16 year old. What the hell does he see in her? He mentions that she can’t be angry at him for having lived a life (he’s been married!). He has lived and she has barely lived. What could they possibly have in common? Not to mention the entire thing is incredibly disturbing and pedophilic to me. He has no business starting a relationship with her. Oh, she dies every reincarnation as a virgin?? MAYBE ITS BECAUSE HE TRAPS HER AS AN ADOLESCENT AND DOESNT ALLOW HER TO LIVE AND GROW UP FIRST! Who knows, maybe their relationship would be stronger if she got to live a little first. 

Second, Drina is equally as old and yet she possesses the same immaturity level as Ever. How can a woman that old not have matured in that time? Make it make sense. 

Third, Ever and Damen have no foundation that explains how much she supposedly loves him besides foolish puppy love. I kept asking why?? Why does she love him? They barely interacted enough for me to understand love. Like, maybe, but not love. In fact, I downright disliked him. He purposefully flirted with Ever’s bully to make her jealous, continuously left Ever alone without any explanation, lied several times, and is overall incredibly secretive. If a man disappeared and left me asleep in a cave the way he did with Ever, forcing me to find my own way home, his number would be blocked immediately. But again, this just speaks to her level of immaturity and how much she is willing to overlook. 

Fourth, if I found out that the man who tracks me down in every life, and has supposedly loved every incarnation of me, gets back together with his crazy ex every time she KILLS ME, I would never speak to him again. That is so viscerally disturbing to me. Because what do you mean you hooked up with the person who continuously murders me?? And I suppose one could argue that Drina could be lying to incite some jealousy in Ever, but I have a feeling Damen likely slipped up a time or two in his six hundred years. But again, Ever just latches on to them having been married and completely ignored that part.

And finally, that ending was far too abrupt and anticlimactic. It was a lazy way to end the book in my opinion. 

Now, I did find Ever’s relationship with her sister cute and heartwarming, and as someone with a sibling that age, I couldn’t imagine that heartbreak of losing them and then having to let them go again. 

Also, I remember the whole plotline in the series being that they want to fuck and can’t because of some curse…. And I just can’t with that. Not the author writing a whole ass series where the end goal is just getting two characters to fuck.