A review by xan_van_rooyen
Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood


I loved this book and it was a five star read for me right up until the last 20%.

Reasons I loved it:

1. British setting - so refreshing and quaint and beautifully written
2. Younger female MC - I really appreciated the character's innocence and how she grows over the course of the story
3. Gypsies - I'm a sucker for stories involving gypsies
4. The character dynamics - a brilliant cast of strong individuals all facing their own challenges
5. The romance - the romance was handled beautifully and age appropriately and I really adored the young couple.

Things I intensely Disliked:

1. The mother - I just don't understand how any mother could do what she did.
2. The last 20% - there is a lot of build-up and I knew something bad was going to happen but I didn't expect
Spoiler the last quarter of the book to descended into a depressing mush that left some of the critical relationships in the story dangling without resolution. I thought the hospital and funeral scenes were dragged out to milk the reader's emotions, but instead of making me hurt/sympathise/feel for the characters, it just made me wish the story would hurry up and end the melodrama especially since Sam was a total jerk in the novel - I honestly didn't mourn his passing the way everyone in the novel did. I was total on Trick's in all this and Iris's meandering loyalties annoyed me.

3. The ending - after such an amazing, touching, gentle, beautiful story, I found that ending completely dissatisfying, that the story took a turn down a path it didn't need to go and that story would've been just as poignant and moving had it not involved
Spoiler the death of a loved one, which seemed to eclipse and undermine everything else in the story

I'd love to read more by CJ Flood, loved the prose and loved the characters, just didn't love the way the story ended.