A review by dalinora
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


I’ve watched the show beforehand and debated if it was even worth reading or experiencing those horrid scenes all over again. I am glad I did read it though, as much as it made me stick to my stomach. Those same feelings of uncomfortableness and disgust were very present. It’s scary to think that there are women in this world who probably are still be oppressed or have to deal with punishments and societies worse than the ones written here. Makes me think if one day, I were to wake up and this country was flipped to mirror exactly the things occurring in this book would I be able to handle it like Offred did? Offred is one of, if not, the strongest female protagonists out there. The fact that her life just kept spiraling downward, yet she still had the slither of hope is very inspiring. Offred never stopped fighting for herself, and even for others, although it seemed an impossible task to find freedom. At every intense scene I was filled with this gnawing anxiety and fear for her life. I have to give it to Atwood for being able to vividly paint this world in all its horrible glory.