A review by bewithjitendra
The Book of Shadows by Namita Gokhale


Overall : 3/5
Feeling : One Time Read
Recommend : No One

Seeing the title of the book " The Book of Shadows " and an Indian writer Namitha Gokhale i decided to read this book. I found this book on one of the shelves of my college (IIIT-Bangalore) Infosys library.

The book has been written highlighting acid attacks on women and life of the victims after .

An excerpt :

“This house belongs to me, as I belong to this house. I live here alone in the hills, watching the day turn to dusk, awaiting the dawn. This house, which knew me as a child, has taken me in again. We have closed ranks together, me and the house. We have become as one spirit; it is us against the world. All day I sit and stare at the blinding shadows of the snows. I sit here by the window and shelter in the certainty of these presences, so different from the bewildering world below. I belong to this house, as this house belongs to me.”

The story is about a girl who was once attacked by her finance sister with a beaker full of acid and to that after getting some treatment heads to an isolated house in Himalayan hills and where the real stories starts unfolding . The book narrated the stories of different owners/occupant of the house in due course including the author.

The author is extremely good with English and also her reader's. However the book is full of extra description of the things around and one can easily miss the interest to continue. For me it took almost 2 days to complete but after half of the book i was just reading it to complete it.

Unrelated stories, over descriptive paragraphs, eroticism , death with brutality, Confusing characters, invective words etc are the words to summaries.

I have given 3 rating just because of the language and words else for a book as a whole its 2/5.

.- Happy Reading -.