A review by aenne
House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones



Charmain is volunteered to take care of her Great-Uncle William's cottage when he becomes ill and needs to leave with the elves for treatment. With little knowledge in magic, Charmain is alone to experience the cottage and its many paths which lead from the bedrooms to the caves under the mountain. Soon Charmain learns her uncle, who is the Royal Wizard Norland, is searching for the Elfgift with the king and his daughter. Will Charmain be able to help them to save the kingdom before it is too late?

Structure of the Book
While the story starts off fast, it slows down soon after. The characters always receive the information at the right moment. Great-Uncle William's home can travel to the past but it is only used for one scene. The limited way it is used doesn't expand the story at all. And as the other books in the series, everything is resolved and the bad guys are gone.

Charmain is a young girl who never had to do anything because her mother always did it for her. While she learns how to cope on her own, she never grows as a character. Her personality stays the same throughout the entire novel and she gets what she wants at the end. Peter is there to fulfill the story for one aspect mainly. He doesn't grow as a character either.

Final Thoughts
While I enjoyed this novel more than Castle in the Air, it does not compare to Howl's Moving Castle. I wish Howl, Sophie, and Calcifer were the main characters. I wanted to know more about Howl and the others instead of Charmain. If you finished the first two books in the series, I recommend you read this book to see how the series ended.