A review by madisnowg
Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True (as Told to Me) Story by Bess Kalb


bess kalb clocking a win for grandma girls everywhere. this book made me wish i had given fewer books five stars, because this one is just so bright and it deserves to be its Own Thing. also, halfway through this book, i thought to myself, “my dodie would’ve loved this book,” which i think is exactly the point.

there’s something about grandmother-daughter relationships that is so hard to get right. age and death and young selfishness and all sorts of things can get in the way. i think part of why this story was beautiful to me was because it told of a relationship that realized all that potential. i miss my grandmother-who-told-stories very much, and this made me feel close to her. it made me remember what she might have been like if i told her all my news of the last six years. i don’t know the rest, but i know would’ve squeezed my hand hard and said “good girl!”

this was sparkling and beautiful and unlike anything i’ve read. bess kalb took the memoir format and made it something that feels a little miraculous, honestly, to consume as a reader. loved this so much.