A review by snoopydoo77
The Brightest Night by Jennifer L. Armentrout


I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!* 

This review will contain spoilers to the last book. So, if you have not read it and don’t want to be spoiled, go read it and come back. 

This series is a rollercoaster for me, I have such a hate- love relationship with this series. First book, I disliked first, then reread and liked it better, second book was better, this book I had issues with again.  

Before we get too far into this book, I would like to point out that I love JLA books, The Lux series is actually the one that got me into her books. So that I have such a hard time with this series is really sad for me. 

But I am now certain what it is about these books I dislike.  
I absolutely DO NOT like Evie/ Nadia. She is seems super immature and just goes back and forth between she is over confidant she can do this, to nahhh I will never be able to do this. I have read middle grade books were the characters see more mature than her. There were a few times I felt for her, but for the most part I was super annoyed by her.    

Another thing was that I never really saw the romance between Luc and Evie/Nadia. I just never could behind it and relate to it. Maybe because most of the falling in love part was when she was Nadia (at least for him) and of page or book. But I just never could see it. 

Luc, I of course I enjoyed for the most part unless he was with her and they both became pre-teen again.  

Okay now for the parts I liked and loved …... The over story I loved it, there was so much stuff that was happening, now that we know that Dasher is still alive … all things have changed.  There are a few other surprises along the way. People just don’t want to stay dead in this series, it seems.  

We get a lot of Greyson time in this book and I LOVED it, I love Greyson and I hope we get so much more of him. We also learn some interesting things about him along the way.  

I also loved that we get Kat and Dameon so much in this book, or more than the other books I should say. 

While I'm not her biggest fan, I felt bad for Evie at times, not knowing her past and also the struggle with her mother, who is not her mother. She finally comes to terms with certain things.... about her mother who is not her mother.  

But also, her emotions are the one thing that that can lead them all into doom if she is not careful. 

Overall, there is lots of action, lots of humor and some pretty big plot twists. 

The end … WOW … OMG …. What now … how could she ended it like that …..where my only thoughts..... 

Some things I could see coming from half way through but other things where a shock to me and even though I struggled at times with this book, or more so Evie I now need to read the last and final book in the series.  

I had the Audio and I loved it..... the narration was excellent and brought the people and situations to live fabulously.   

Overall, even though I did not care for Evie/ Nadia I loved the story, other characters and narration ….. so, I will give it 3.5 - 4★ 

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