A review by neilrcoulter
The Physics of Star Wars: The Science Behind a Galaxy Far, Far Away by Patrick Johnson


This is a fun book for a Star Wars fan. Its main point is more about the question of whether certain things from the Star Wars films are possible in the real universe, and less about explaining the real-world scientific details of how things work. Though I am not at all a scientist, I am curious enough about science that I would have liked a bit more detail about the real-world science that Patrick Johnson mentions throughout the book.

The main topics are: space; planetary science; planet-based transportation; space travel; handheld weaponry; heavy weaponry; the Force; robotics; and other tech. Within each topic, Johnson looks at 4-6 things from Star Wars, explaining how they seem to work within the Star Wars galaxy, what real-world physics concepts they relate to, and whether the Star Wars version would likely be possible in our galaxy.

The Physics of Star Wars is probably best read a little bit at a time--and the short sections within each main topic are great for that. Because I can't help myself, I read the whole thing in just a few days. My 16-year-old son, who loves math, science, and Star Wars, read it before I did, and he enjoyed it a lot.