A review by emma_stucki
Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco


I have mixed feelings about this book. The first part of the book I liked. I like the story and the focus on romance. The last 1/4 felt very rushed and confusing. There were like three different big reveals and plot points happening all rushed into the ending. I had also heard all of this hype about pride and he was way overhyped. I personally liked gluttony way more. I also thought we were gonna see a lot more of all the other demon princes than we did. Like we got way more of them in the first book. I really enjoyed the first book but this one had parts I liked but overall I was disappointed because the plot is confusing and the pace is all over the place. Like I feel like the plot twists are just being thrown out and there is no foreshadowing. The last 50 pages Emilia was just running all over the place doing like 5 different plot twists and I was so confused. The saving grace in this book was Wrath. I loved him.

- Recommend?! = No
- Fantasy, Romance/NA
- Audiobook, Physical