A review by tenaciousreader
Apocalypse Now Now by Charlie Human


Full Review at Tenacious Reader: http://www.tenaciousreader.com/2015/11/09/audiobook-review-apocalypse-now-now-by-charlie-human/

This was a book that intertwined things I absolutely loved with elements that kind of pushed my tolerance limits for weirdness. It created a dichotomy for me while reading. Dark humor. Yes, there were so many lines in this that had me laughing out loud and feeling like I absolutely loved the book. Then it would switch and I would focus on the strangeness in this story, and I would be less sure. Some of the weird worked well for me. Porn star named Rumpelforeskin? Yep, I’m good with that.But some other elements, I wasn’t quite as taken by, but in general still liked.

This book was interesting in the way it was presented. We all know narrators can be unreliable. So, when a character interacts with the supernatural world others are oblivious to, and his family thinks he is going insane, who do you trust? The narrator (who may just be delusional)? The therapist he is seeing? Other characters that, for all you know, may or may not exist as you are getting them through Baxter?

Overall, this was a fascinating, absolutely hilarious, and bizarre book. It may have pushed my weirdness threshold at times, but the enjoyment I had from Baxter’s personality more than made up for it.