A review by lee25
Silence by Michelle Sagara


Let me start by saying I'm a big fan of [a:Michelle Sagara|7031278|Michelle Sagara|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1636586568p2/7031278.jpg]. I absolutely love her Chronicles of Elantra and Wolves of Elantra books.
So... I really expected to love [b:Silence|12437907|Silence (The Queen of the Dead, #1)|Michelle Sagara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1323455949l/12437907._SY75_.jpg|17420633] as well. But I didn't. In fact if this was by any other author it would have been a DNF at about 50%.
I'm not sure if it was because the main characters are so much younger, but I just couldn't warm to them at all, and I found myself skimming over the pages.
Thankfully, once the action started in the final 20% of the book, it gets much better. But, having read the reviews of the next two books in this series, I think I will end on what seems to be the high point.