A review by csd17
Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse by Timothy P. Carney


So good that it's few imperfections are glaring. Some of them I mentioned in my prior notes. Another one that bugged me in the last section was the lack of research on men's quality of life post-divorce. Nor am I fond of the organization of the book. It was unpredictable. I couldn't see the path through the forest.

But let's talk about the good.

Carney asks different questions and tries to do extra digging He also does a good job exploring both sides and his tone is incredibly hopeful. Many books that try to explain the 2016 election are either derogatory, pessimistic, or overly partisan. I feel like he tries to straddle the middle.

He doesn't try to sow distrust either, which, in our incredibly partisan times, is applaudable. Worth reading with Let Them In, Lost Connections, and the works of Arthur and David Brooks.