A review by theeuphoriczat
A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron


We mostly follow Edward and Billy who are twins that were separated at birth (I have to say that the way they got separated was a bit unclear to me. you are telling me that a member of the royal family birth and one child dies and there was no investigation which lead to confusion - i was so confused). Edward is the beloved crown prince of Canada, he loves being the crown prince and being loved by the country, attending one of the best private school and living the life of luxury but the one thing that he is grappling with is the fact that he is gay and he cannot tell anyone.

Then there is Billy who is a happy little gay, enjoying his life in a small-town, living on a ranch with his mother and a cute boyfriend. I have got to say that he has everything going for him, the only thing is he wants to go to Julliard. So when he is invited for an interview audition, he flies to New York. There, he is mistaken for Edward because they look alike and he ends up missing his audition (I have to say that this part confused me; are you tell me that in this time of social media; he looked so much like the beloved prince of Canada and no one at his school told him or even made a fuss about it - I am not buying that).

Edward and Billy end up meeting and this lead to a Edward asking Billy to pretend to be him for a night. This is when everything takes a turn. From Billy being introduced to the public and taken over Edward's role, to Edward pranking Billy, to a shameful 'coronation', it was definitely a rollercoaster.

I enjoyed reading Edward grapple with his emotions and what he really wanted. He wanted to be crown prince because he had sacrificed so much of himself for it but at the same time he wanted to give it all up to be happy. It was fun to read.

I binged this book in one night because it allowed me to turn my brain off and just enjoy the ride. I mean, if I got stuck on the mechanics of why there is a Canadian royal family, I might not have gotten past it and enjoy reading about the relationship between the two brothers. I couldn't seem to get a better picture as to why we have a Canadian royal family other than the British press being so horrid that they had to flee England and create an adjunct royalty in Canada.

I will be honest, since the book itself is less about the King and Queen, I was able to put this need for over dissection at the back of my mind. I cannot even count the amount of times the word 'Maple' was in the book; I know it is set in Canada! Anyways there are so many cringe things about this book but I really loved reading the relationship between the two brothers; from the petty things to the questionable things that they did.