A review by maddiesreading23
Jasper Vale by Devney Perry


The thunder to his lightning. We were a storm. Two souls lost in the pouring rain.

Jasper and Eloise have officially taken the #1 spot of my favourite Edens series couples <3
The accidental marriage/marriage of convenience excellence of this book!? I will never recover.
Jasper calling Eloise "angel" was just the sweetest. I don't think I've ever loved that nickname so much as I did while reading this book - I was kicking and squealing every time I saw it on the page.

I loved Jasper for that. I loved Jasper. Somewhere along the way, I'd fallen in love with my husband.

I love seeing Jasper's development the most. Watching him fall for Eloise was precious, but seeing him overcome the hurt of his past to fully embrace his future with Eloise, and the love they share between them? Perfection! he literally laid down his life for her, opened up to her in a way he has never done with anyone else and he sits to the side of her at the dinner table BECAUSE THE CORNER OF A TABLE IS TOO MUCH SPACE BETWEEN THEM!? He's down so bad and I love him for that! I love that he never actively tries to make Eloise feel bad for the things she feels that she's failing at. He makes every attempt to help her realise that she is enough exactly as she is and it's beautiful to see.

Eloise Eden owned me. I loved that women. I loved her in a way I hadn't even known existed. A soul-deep, undying love.

With every Eden I read, I think I couldn't love a character more, but Eloise Eden is without a doubt my favourite. I felt her story so deeply in my bones; the way she feels that she has to earn the right to own the hotel, the pressure she feels to be perfect in every aspect of her life to prove to everyone that she is good enough to be trusted with her hotel; I love so much that Jasper helps her see that she is enough as she is, that she has nothing to prove or perfect because she already is perfect.

Eloise Eden was mine.
And I was hers.
Until the end.

These two. My heart can't handle how sweet and perfect they are. I was not ready to close the book on them, and I'm nowhere near ready to say goodbye to the Edens come next book. I love this series, and this family, so much <3