A review by sarah_moynihan
The Heart of a Vicar by Sarah M. Eden


Harold Jonquil is the second youngest of seven brothers. Since a young age, everyone determined that he was destined to be a vicar. But Harold is a man of masks. He feels uncomfortable and unsure of himself in his role in life. He's always worried that he's not living up to his idea of what he should be. He doesn't know how to organically connect with people, so he hides behind scripture or preconceived notions of how he should behave. As a result he finds himself disappointing people or being a source of ridule when he intereacts socially. Plus he's exhausted by always pretending to be someone he is not.

Unexpectedly his closest childhood friend and crush returns to the neighborhood. She calls him out on how he has changed, that he is not the man that she thought he would become. She challenges him in a ridiculous and amusing way and as a result, we get to meet more and more of the real Harold. He begins to realize that he doesn't need to hide behind masks and scripture to fulfill a role,  that he can fill the role simply by being himself. By being the man he used to be and by being happy and comfortable in his own skin.

The romance between Sarah and Harold was very sweet. They had a falling out years ago and both their hearts were broken. They were then seperated for several years when Sarah left for America with her mother and brother. In this book, they find their way gradually back to one another. I was really invested in their story.

I loved this book so much. I wasn't really sure what direction this book was going to take when I began reading and I didn't feel endeared to Harold at all, but as the book progressed we got some insights on where his insecurities were coming from and he really grew on me. Honestly the whole of the family did.

I started reading The Heart of a Vicar without being familiar with any of the previous books from the series. Each book of this series can serve as a stand alone. I was not confused in the least, meeting all the many members of this family without any prior knowledge of them from the previous books. Anything that I needed to know for my understanding of this book was explained in the text.

I will definitely be going back to read the other books in this series. I loved this one so much, that I really want to read the individual stories of the other brothers. I will also be looking forward to reading the next book in the series when it comes out.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical romance or historical fiction. Such a great and well written book. This is a clean romance.

Many thanks to Covenant Communications and NetGalley who shared a copy of this book with me for reviewing purposes. This is my honest review.