A review by hirvimaki
Hounded by Kevin Hearne


This took me FOREVER to finish. I usually get through a novel in a few weeks if not a few days. But this one just took a long time. I kept putting it on the back burner and, to be honest, I totally forgot about it during the whole of 2020 and half of 2021. I recently read a collection of shorts that included our intrepid druid and remembered it. So, all finished. I enjoyed it. Hearne is no Jim Butcher or Ben Aaronovitch or Benedict Jacka, but he spins a good tale. Although I did not think this book was spectacular, it has enough potential to keep me interested in the series. Hopefully Hearne tones down the awesomeness of Atticus moving forward because without fault a main character just isn't that interesting long-term. I do wonder how the majority of people Atticus meets are Irish, the majority of them hot Irish lasses with flaming red hair. Looking forward to the next book.