A review by tbr_the_unconquered
Astonishing X-Men - Volume 2: Dangerous by


The X-Men team of Joss Whedon is still not comfortable with each other in the second volume. They tolerate each other but barely so and yet as the story opens they are on their way to battle a giant monster out in the open in the city. The team gels together much more as they face the next challenge which stems right from with the Xavier’s school. The most devastating blows anyone will ever take will come from within the fold of their own families and this is what happens to the X-Men when their danger room turns against them.

Not having read the earlier volume prior to Whedon’s run was a slight deterrent since I could not really understand the rift between the team and Prof. X and yet that doesn’t affect the story all that much. The majority of the book is a prolonged combat between the mutants and the rogue A.I. Whedon chooses to explore his characters a bit more in this volume – Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast and Kitty are all given this treatment throughout the book. Emma Frost and Xavier are the exceptions since they are still cloaked in an enigma which leaves the door open for further volumes. Since I am pretty new to the X-Men in the comic medium, it was refreshing to see them face off against a foe who could outsmart them and especially mind games being the X-Men forte, someone who could outplay them is a first for me.

Recommended. This is a good one.