A review by unladylike
Looking for the Hidden Folk: How Iceland's Elves Can Save the Earth by Nancy Marie Brown


This book is more one American woman's love letter to Iceland in a series of semi-academic essays than it is what the main title suggests, per se.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from the book, which speaks deeply to my beliefs about the importance of Story as Everything:
"In the anthropology of magick, Greenwood acknowledges that she herself, though a working scientist, is a witch." ... One of the witches Greenwood met in Northern England early on in her study of magic "whose preferred form of magic was storytelling. 'She told me,' writes Greenwood, 'that her stories were spells that could change people's lives. The witch explained 'I don't have to say to people "I'm working on your unconscious now." If I'm doing my work right, something will happen."'"