A review by emilyhei
Miss Taken by Cleo Scornavacca


Identical twins Rain and Raven may look like one another, but they are different than night and day. Raven is a headstrong lawyer, engaged, and focused on her career. While Rain is more of a carefree photographer, who beats to her own drum.

Growing up Rain had a blood disorder that caused her family to keep her sheltered and overly coddled. Even though as an adult she has learned to keep her blood disorder under control, Rain still feels the tightening ropes of protection when she is with her family.

Kidnapped, Rain can't believe she was kidnapped. It's even worse when she realizes they think they took Raven. What transpires though once she meets her abductor Dominick Kane, neither see it coming.

Provocative, raw, and fierce. Dominick is a jerk, a total jerk with a capital A@*($&). He is intense, he realizes shortly after taking Rain who she is. He wants her, but is afraid to have her. He seduces, taunts, rejects, and relishes Rain. Rain is torn with the merry-go-round named Dominick, she wants to try to push the mistake he made aside and feel like the treasure only Dominick can covet, but every time she gives him a chance he tears a piece of her heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one, it is not a warm fuzzy read by any means but it is so good you can't put it down. I am anxious for the next one. I need some wine after this one.