A review by ktc8
The House with the Golden Door by Elodie Harper


Now we come to examples of changing Fortune, which are innumerable. For what great joys does she bring except after disasters, or what immense disasters except after enormous joys? Pliny the Elder, Natural History

The sin is sweet, to mask it for fear of shame is bitter I’m proud we’re joined, each worthy of the other. Sulpicia, Roman woman poet

Fortuna only turns her wheel for those who dare to ride it.

in the beginning of the book, i feared that we had left the characterizations of amara that i loved behind, when she lost the ferocious anger and cunning that was inspiring and interesting. but it wasn't gone, just put away for another mask she had to wear, but it made this book a really somber and heartwrenchingly sad one. she was out of the frying pan and straight into another one, and her helplessness at her situation and its continuing worsening was so difficult to read through. the author's writing has continually gotten better and our insights into amara beyond the simplicties of her emotions and responses of the first book really show the well-rounded character doing everything she can in such horrible situations. the ending had me welling up and it's even worse to when it hit me at the end that everyone i love as she did, philos, rufina, serovana, julia felix, drusilla, even victoria and beronice, will just. all be dead soon anyways from the eruption. theyre fighting so hard and for What. god it's heartwrenching.