A review by wrentheblurry
Pilot & Huxley: The first adventure by Dan McGuiness


I read this to my 10-year old, and we both agreed on a 4-star rating. It's a very slim novel, though it is the first of a (potential) series. Whether or not you'll like it depends on: a) your tolerance of silly, gross-out humor, b) your tolerance of bizarre, nonsensical plot lines and c) how much you like colorful artwork that features humans with large, round heads and huge eyes. Happily, possibly as a result of being a former tomboy and a current mom of two tween boys (12 and 10), I laughed all the way through, and spent extra time looking at and appreciating the artwork.

The plot involves the boys getting transported to another dimension, and all their trials as they try to get back to Earth. It's weird, it's goofy, it's gross, and the target audience will love it.