A review by the_evergrowing_library
The Clown Hunt by Judith Sonnet


Let me start by saying this: the trigger warnings are there for a reason. You have been warned.
This is my second foray into the extreme horror/Splatterpunk genre this year and it was a more successful outing.

I went into this one blind and it went in a direction i wasn’t expecting at all, so that was a pleasant surprise. Probably the only pleasant thing about this book though! By that I don’t mean it wasn’t a good book, just that it wasn’t pleasant.

What I liked here is very contrasting to my last splatterpunk read -plot. This was a novel that very much delivered on the extreme side of things from the get go and was truly horrific at times but also had a good plot to go with it.
I found the writing to be detailed and well put together, with depth and backstory outside of the ‘main event’. Sonnet has an excellent grasp on character interaction and the dialogue is great. The use of graphic content is delivered as you would expect, but it had a solid plot to carry it. The story felt complete and tied things up well too.