A review by chthonic_child
Good Girls Don't Die by Christina Henry


Woooooooww. Ya'll know I'm a fan of Christina, so my expectations were, high😂. But holy shit this book! It consists of three main parts. Ceilia who wakes up in a house she doesn't remember, with a husband she doesn't remember and a child she doesn't remember. She's very sure however, that it's not her life, and she's determined to figure out what's happening. Allie gets brought to a cabin in the woods for what's supposed to be a birthday weekend at the beach. The cabin is unfinished, unlocked and can't be bolted. There's creepy sounds and boi did this part get me on edge. The way Christina writes eeriness, anxious situations gets under my skin in such a delicious way. The final part is Maggie, who in sort of a squid-game situation gets thrown in a maze that she has to survive. 

All parts were written in such a differently, tense way? Allies part got to me the most, but ceilia and Maggie's parts were also so scary in such a way... The all centered around a forum user who challenged them to prove their 'competence'. Because women would never be able to survive a horror scenario. It's quite feminist / mysoginistic at the same time? It made me uncomfortable at times, but I'm assuming that's a big point of the book. Sometimes I was a bit like, ok girl, let's be normal now. 

I had so so so much fun trying to figure it all out! I started buddy reading this a bit further in which made it even better, bouncing back ideas of what was happening and who was who and all! Turns out we actually managed to find stuff out!! Please if you read this let me know your thoughts and theories ✨