A review by ljrinaldi
King of the Tightrope: When the Great Blondin Ruled Niagara by Donna Janell Bowman


This is an amazing picture book about an amazing tighrope walker who was known as the Great Blondin.

Blondin walked across the Niagara falls, not just once, but as many of 15 times.

But, not only did he do the walk, he had to set up the rope to do the walk. He had to calculate how much rope to use, and how taunt to make it.

So, the amazing thing about this picture book is that it also explains how he figured it all out, how he prepared for this feat.

Bloudin was French, and the author throws in little French words here and there in context.

Great book, if to only teach children how much is involved in planning such a stunt.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book avialble for an honest review.