A review by krln
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane


this was so good!! i went into this book barely knowing what its about but so my expectations werent high but wow!
i wanted some feel-good romance and this was it but so much more? the only thing is it needed a bit more lesbians mayhaps. i love that it had nice female frienships but it could’ve been more.
plus at first i felt the last conflict might’ve been unnecessary but looking back it was probably a good thing. (and obviously it wasnt anything that bothered me that much, because 5 stars)
for anyone whose first language isnt english-this one was a bit harder than i thought? i tend to avoid flowery descriptions even in my own language and this didnt have them so that was nice. bur what surprised me was how bad my knowledge of british slang (?) is, i guess i read more american literature than british without even knowing. but it was fine with few google searches:)