A review by fictionalkate
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper


Maggie Graham is now the Alpha of the pack and still as feisty as ever. When an expert in folklore with not one but two PhDs comes snooping around to see if there is any fact in the old stories, Maggie wants him gone. But the gorgeous Dr. Nick Thatcher proves difficult to get rid of. He suspects that since the abnormal wolf behaviour started not long after Mo – Maggie’s sister-in-law and the protagonist of the first book in the series, How to Seduce a Naked Werewolf – arrived in town that Mo is the werewolf he has travelled to the arctic north to find.

In between trying to protect her pack from the outsider Nick as well as trying to get to the bottom of who is behind the series of unfortunate events that seem to be ramping up in their severity, Maggie needs to show her community that she’s the Alpha that they voted for and that she can protect and lead them into the future.

I enjoy Maggie as a narrator. She’s every bit as prickly as she was in the first book but she acknowledges her bitchiness. Star Trek enthusiast Nick is exactly the person Maggie needs in her life to embrace her own humanity. Together they manage to compliment the other perfectly – Maggie with the take charge attitude eager to face every challenge and Nick the scholarly millionaire who can take the back seat when necessary. They’re gorgeous together, cute with witty banter between the two of them that I loved to read.

There’s a lot going on in this story – the romance between the two leads, and two side stories that were added a bit of mystery to the plot – but everything melds together into one exciting, clever and light read. I loved the inclusion of Mo and Cooper to add a bit of continuity to the series and the other Grahams are just as eccentric and crazy as Maggie and her brother are. I would definitely read another book in this series if Molly Harper continues telling the stories of the Grantham Werewolves.