A review by geekwayne
The Infects by Sean Beaudoin


An in your face novel about working a bad job, being sent to a juvenile camp for something you didn't do and watching the world collapse around you. Sometimes rude, crude and macabre, it's not recommended for everyone, but my inner 14-year old boy loved it.

Nick's family has fallen apart. He lives with his deadbeat dad and a little sister who plays video games all day. To keep the family together, he works at the same chicken processing plant that his father was laid off from. It's demeaning horrible work, made better by the girl of his dreams. He gets a promotion, there is an accident, and Nick finds himself renamed Nero and sent off to a youth camp in the mountains. Then things really go bad.

The book is full of lots of humor and puns. I loved the strange fast food restaurant menu. The characters are quirky and well written. Not recommended for the squeamish, but if you liked the movie 'Zombieland,' you should enjoy this one.