A review by nclcaitlin
A Sea of Cinders by Adam R. Bishop


The King of Havelmir has burned down the eleven forest of Rand using methods of a pyromancer, bringing ruin and death in a bid for power. 
The rest of the Elves are completely unaware of the approaching Braxi army. Nearly two centuries had passed since a war of this magnitude. Yet in that time the human armies had grown and so the age of tranquility was coming to an end.

Two unlikely friends, two mortals, set out on a journey to warn the elves. 

This had the feeling of a classic fantasy with a very accessible modern narration which propels you forward. 

For this, I would say this is a great book for readers who want to start dipping their toes into the classical style, or high fantasy. Or if you are seeking simple nostalgia. 

“I never said you were a bad shot. Your aim is impressive. However, your father asked me to teach you the art of archery, not the art of aiming. A painter uses more than one colour, does he not? You're good at hitting the target. Now it's time we moved on to another colour."

One minor quibble of mine was the lacking inclusion of women, and most interactions involved a quip of sex. There were four named women throughout: one councillor, a wife, a daughter who would rather be a son, a barmaid, and right at the end, a beautiful elf. 

There was also a fair amount of telling rather than showing where the omniscient narrator makes an appearance on occasion to offer up a perspective of the character rather than allow this develop naturally through interaction. 

Whilst certain character arcs were left hanging in the air, there was a satisfying resolution to the main story with a revelation to keep readers eager for book two!

However, this was such an addicting read and I had to keep reading to see all the storylines meet up! Strong three stars!🌟 

Thank you to the author for sending me a physical copy in exchange for a review!