A review by emmascr
For the Love of Whiskey by Melissa Foster


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from the Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you to Sharon and Melissa for my copy of this book.

This story follows Sully and Cowboy. Sully rescued herself from a cult and takes refuge at Redemption Ranch, owned by Cowboy's family. From the minute these two meet sparks are flying all over the place. Sully is quite obviously guarded but Cowboy is patient, protective and understanding.

I loved Sully's determination. She wasn't going to let her life be taken by her kidnappers. She saved herself and then made sure she enjoyed her freedom. Cowboy has always been the protective one in the family but he's also extremely supportive of Sully and how she wants to live her life.

I adored Sully's drawings. It's fascinating how the brain works and how memories come to the surface.

This book is romantic and heart warming. I can't wait for the rest of this series.