A review by woodmonsters
Honestly Ben by Bill Konigsberg

Gay-for-Rafe isn't a thing. It pissed me off. Just say you're queer, Ben! I feel like the author is one of those people who don't believe the slur has been reclaimed. Also, I knew it was coming but what is it about lgbt fiction that always has to put the characters through extra suffering. Like isn't the fact that Ben's father is an asshole incapable of love ENOUGH?? Ben has to loose his scholarship and put his whole future in jeopardy TOO?!
Also the joke about "bi guys are just gay guys in denial?" Fucking bullshit.
And Rafe really got on my nerves. Pressuring Ben to come out? Have a little empathy, you fuckwad! Just because it was easy for you to come out doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.
Lastly, what is it with YA authors writing their protagonists to be so fucking pretentious? Ben got on my nerves as well. He thinks he's so much better than everyone because he likes to read classic literature and can recite random poets by heart. I really can't stress this enough: LIKING WEIRD THINGS DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER! IT MAKES YOU A PRETENTIOUS SCUMBAG
I mean for real, when will we get a YA novel about a teenager who does normal shit? Like hangout with their friends (emphasis on the pluralization!) and watch Netflix and read popular novels that were written in this century. Maybe even- gasp!- liking sports? Because that doesn't automatically turn someone into a jerk?
Anyways, this book is alright but I find the author annoying. Some white gay whose writing fanfiction about himself and his partner (I wonder if this Chuck dude calls himself "Gay-for-Bill). The first one was better but not too much better