A review by votesforwomen
Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


Re-Read #4:

"You are my chosen love, the only one for me."


RE-READ 2018:

Sometimes I just need to be reminded of how much I need my Savior.

Sometimes I need a reminder of how useless my efforts to save myself are, and the fact that I could not do it even if I tried.

That I'd reject him if he hadn't loved me first.

I need to remind myself that Jesus' love for me is not because I'm perfect or anything like that...but because HE is, and because HE chose me.

I don't know how much of an /allegory/ this book is. I think of it now, after this reread, as more of a parable. A story with symbols, telling a bigger story, rather than a story where EVERYTHING is symbolic of something else. It does it beautifully, though. I read this one less of a "look, references!" kind of way (see my review from my first reread) and more in a "this is a beautiful story of true love" kind of way. It's dark. It's got looming, overwhelming evil that made me want to cry. But it's necessary. Because then you reach the ending and you see, for truth, how great it is.

This book made me lean back and whisper "Thank You" to my Jesus. I can't rate it five stars because it's not perfect--there are definitely marks of the whole "debut" feel to it in places, and the storytelling itself is not quite as strong--but it's so, so good. I don't know if I can truly recommend it to everyone, but it's incredible.

Absolutely incredible.

RE-READ 2017:
I'm just struck this time through by the number of references in later books. Like Torkom the vendor? The one who gave Una the vision in the first place, and then later steals Leo's hair? Or Sir Oeric? (heart eyes to him) And references to Arpiar! And Daylily! It's so beautiful.
The beginning of this book is a little slow, but I love the buildup in Una's dreams, and Monster is my FAVORITE fictional cat of all time. He's so real, as cats go -aloof and haughty and arrogant- but still willing to snuggle and loving of his favorite owner. And loyal to a fault. That's cats for you.
Sorry - I'm raving. XD

This is such a beautimous book. The story and the characters and the allegory and AAAAHHHHH. I AM INCOHERENT AND I AM BABBLING AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND ME.