A review by elsiemookow
Admission by Jean Hanff Korelitz


Admission follows a 38 year old Princeton Admissions officer as she finally "admits" part of her past. Yes, it is an intentional pun. Overall I was quite disappointed- it is being made into a movie this year, and usually that means their is some potential, or at least a lot of action. Jean Korelitz is an amazing writer, but holy cow, the book needed to be about half as long. I still remember being lectured on "show not tell" in high school English class- she however, is not a proponent of that school of thought. Of the 350 or so pages in the book, 50 pages were "action" the rest was the main character thinking, remembering, speculating,...etc. I admit that I did want to know how the story ended, but kept staring off into space about every ten pages or so. I really wanted to like this book, but just can't recommend it.