A review by mindfullibrarian
The Education of Will: A Mutual Memoir of a Woman and Her Dog by Patricia B. McConnell


As a border collie lover and a fellow Wisconsinite, I was ecstatic to find this newest book from Patricia McConnell. I had listened to her for years on the Wisconsin Public Radio show "Calling All Pets" so was already familiar with her work in animal behavior. I wasn't sure quite what to expect from this book, as it was titled a "mutual memoir" and the blurb referenced the author's personal traumas. I was shocked and saddened to read of the events of the author's life that led to her emotional struggles, but heartened to hear how her relationships with her dogs, in particular her border collies Luke and Will helped her work through her healing process, along with very extensive therapy. I loved hearing about all of the work she does with her border collies and sheep herding as well as the information about border collies and dogs in general. As a dog owner, a lot of the behavioral translations were very helpful, and I could relate so closely to her accounts of living in the countryside of Wisconsin with her dogs. TRIGGER WARNINGS: I need to add trigger warnings for sexual abuse of a child and also acquaintance rape because I was a bit jarred to be listening to the audiobook and have these topics brought up fairly abruptly - if a reader with a history of these began this book not knowing these topics would be discussed in fairly graphic detail it might be emotionally difficult. These topics are a HUGE part of the book, as the theme of the book is working through her traumas while helping her border collie Will through his own traumas. I just want to make sure no reader goes into this book thinking it's just about dogs.