A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
Unhinged by A.G. Howard


Quick rundown of my thoughts:

* The plot suffered from the change of setting, and was a little slow. While the first installment mainly takes place in Wonderland, we do a 180-turn and mostly hang around at Alyssa's high school in Unhinged
I missed the chaotic beauty of Wonderland, yet appreciated the less messy reality. It made room for interesting characters, and Alyssa's relationship with her parents was unexpectedly interesting. They all get more backstory, and I loved that.
This book takes place in the human world, and is less packed with events

* For the first time in forever I actually care about a love triangle. Just because one of them is mysterious and swoon-worthy and the other is lame.
Morpheus is my current favorite antihero. He’s a well-rounded character with darkness and a surprising amount of complexity. He's seductive, funny and teasing.
Surprisingly, Jeb barely got on my nerves. He really loves Alyssa, and my eyebrows didn’t raise every time he was in a scene.
He’s nice and cute, if a little too one-dimensional with a typical good guy persona.

* A.G Howard has a knack for descriptions, particularly of clothing and personalities. I could picture it all with perfect clarity, Again, I have to give credit to her for creating a wildly imaginative story and not being afraid of going away from the original fairytale.
The writing was good, besides for the frequent use of the word "luv". I get it; Morpheus has a Cockney accent, I'm over it.
The next thing shouldn't come as a surprise. My favorite piece of dialogue was ''Fair warning, I intend to make good use of that time. I will be gentle, but I will not be a gentleman. You will be the center of my world. I'll show you the wonders of Wonderland, and when you're drunk on the beauty and chaos that your heart so yearns to know, I will take you under my wings and make you forget the human realm ever existed. You’ll never want to leave Wonderland or me again.’’

*fans self*

Bonus round:
''Of all the times you've undressed me in my fantasies, I never remember feeling this.... unfulfilled.''
''Please, Morpheus,'' I beg upon hearing Jeb stir in the background.
''Ah, but those delectable words,'' Morpheus says with a provocative smirk, ''those are always in the fantasy.''
I glare at him. ''You're unbelievable.''
''And that sentiment is reserved for the end.''
''Shut. Up.''

There's plenty of banter like that in the book, and I loved it.

* THAT ENDING. I'm so happy that I don't have to wait for the 3rd book, since it's already out. Anyway, it was awesome, left off on a bit of a cliffhanger and the series seems to be heading in a new direction. I'm up for it!