A review by kirchersmiles
An English Rose: A Mother's Love, A Love Inspired by Allyson R. Abbott


An English Rose: A Mother’s Love, A Love Inspired by Allyson R. Abbott

5 Stars (Only because there's no million stars option)

WOW, I do not think I've ever been so sad seeing the words The End in a book as I was when I saw them in this story.. This is my fourth or fifth book by this author and it left me wanting so so much more. I could have read 1000 pages about Rose. She is officially my new favorite book heroine EVER!!

The way this story was written was so so real, I felt like I knew these characters and while reading it I felt deep inside everything she was feeling, I've myself thought of my later years still to come and this story did nothing but give me hope. I swear I smiled throughout the entire story and laughed out loud a few times as well;

….Are you sure you can't stay for some gassypatch soup? Your so funny, Mum. No, I can't stay for gazpacho soup, but thanks for asking.

Then comes Bill on his scooter...I loved loved loved him!!!

I just can't say enough about this story, or this author. She is an absolute favorite and an immediate one click. Everyone should read this book, it was written so beautifully and I'm still completely upset that it's over.

Thank you Thank you Miss Abbott for a brilliantly written story that just plain made me feel good.

Loved it!!!