A review by christinereads0
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman


To begin, Seraphina is an entryway into a thoroughly planned out world containing dragon and humankind. The characters were thought out and development was superb! The book does well as a stand alone but a sequel has been published. Rachel Hartman introduces us to Seraphina, our protagonist and forbidden spawn of a dragon and human. Bearing the signs of a dragon, Seraphina hold a great many secrets about dragonkind that come to aid her in her journey. The character development was phenomenal and there were so many unique persons and ideals addressed within the story. Even the main idea of the book deals with a sort of speciesism and the negative aspects akin to racism. This book contains action, history, and even some romance sprinkled in.


Having just finished this thick read (took around seven Work days to complete), I find myself struggling to think of any solid problems that I had with the book. There is a sequel and the book's main plot does not truly end it so I find the need to read the second. I prefer one shot books but honestly this book could have been turned into 2 whole books so we should be thankful the author left off where they did!

To Finish

This book had me staying up till 2 or even 4 in the morning trying to finish it! I actually purchased it on sale on Amazon for around 4.99 on kindle! Definitely recommend if you want a long book to read and discover! Till next time Purplemanatees