A review by tig_
The Royal We by Jessica Morgan, Heather Cocks


With my rating system being: 

<1 Finished it but wished I had DNFed instead. Several major criticisms.
1 Not the worst thing I've ever read but wouldn’t read it again; probably one major gripe.
2 Meh. No major sins but but don’t like it enough to buy a physical copy. It's fine. Just fine.
3 Liked it and will casually seek out a physical copy to have in my library 
4 Thoroughly enjoyed it and have no major criticisms; will recommend to others, read again, and consider a special edition version
5 ABSOLUTELY FERAL FOR THIS BOOK, will not shut up about it, will maniacally and immediately seek out a special edition and/or bind one

I’m giving this a 1, although I came close to DNFing several times and I think the only reason I persisted was because I was in a bit of a slump and didn’t have anything else I was immediately in the mood for. I generally don’t read reviews before I start a book because I don’t want to be unduly influenced but in this case, I wish I had. This book is essentially revisionist history of Will and Kate if Kate was an American devoid of personality. At times it felt very clearly like a self-insert/exercise in wish fulfillment on the part of the authors. It wasn’t different enough from what actually happened to be interesting, and not the same enough to be scintillating. It’s basically just self insert fan fiction and if that’s your thing then go for it, but I personally was hoping for a modern royal romance with a fresh twist on the classic storyline. This ain’t it.