A review by planetlibrarian
Black Bird, Blue Road by Sofiya Pasternack


*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review*

I loved Pasternack's Anya and the Dragon series, so I was excited thatn ot only is there a new book from her, but that it's also just as amazing. This story is about Ziva and Pesah, twins who live in a well-off family and whose father is a judge. Pesah, however, has leprosy, and as a result has been largely isolated from the family to keep the disease from spreading. That doesn't stop Ziva, who is convinced she's the only one who can truly care for him properly. But, when Pesah starts getting worse and their Uncle suggests sending him to a leper colony, Ziva takes matters into her own hands, leaving their home with Pesah to go on a journey to find a cure. But, it's a race against time and Ziva may just have to confront the Angel of Death to save her brother. I enjoyed the sibling relationship between the twins, and Almas, the half-demon boy they meet along the way was an interesting addition to their group. There are some fantasy elements to the story, but it is largely about the journey and the sibling bond. The ending was surprising, yet satisfying, and I felt like the story was perfectly wrapped up by the end.