A review by jen_baroness_mom
In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones


In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones is wonderfully written and captures the sister bond perfectly. I love the entire package. 

Will Tabby figure out what is going on in Savannah before she loses her sister? 

Sage and Tabby Winslow 
Our sleuths are fraternal twins, Sage and Tabby Winslow. However, our point of view is Tabby. Tabby is younger by a few minutes and shorter than Sage. They can use energy to do some really cool paranormal things. Tabby is still figuring out how her powers work, either through her candle and soap making or how she interacts with the people in her life. She can also read auras. Tabby has a beau who has waited for her to accept him for a long time. The intimacy feels right, but Sage is jealous of Tabby's relationship and the time that Tabby spends with Quig. Tabby is learning more about herself, and she is starting to place boundaries for other people. 

I like Tabby. She has a sweet heart and wants to help others. However, she isn't good at asking for help, which I can understand. I think there is more to her boyfriend than meets the eye. I look forward to learning about that and why it is vital for Tabby's well-being. 

Sage, the older sister, is a bit taller and needs more energy than she seems to be able to create on her own. Sage automatically starts pulling energy from Tabby as soon as they are together. Sage is happier with plants around, suggesting that has something to do with her magical power. To me, Sage seems like a hot mess. She isn't as nice as Tabby and sometimes lets her anger get the best of her. Sage also makes snap decisions and isn't easy to sway afterward. I like Sage, but I don't think she is entirely self-aware of how much her sister does for her. Also, Sage always thinks of herself first and then others. 

The Mystery
We have a few things going on. First, we have the death of Sage's boss at the nursery, which, of course, Sage is a suspect. Then we have Aunt O's boyfriend's past, that seems to have jumped up and is biting everyone near them. Then we have Sage's boyfriend, possibly spelled or hexed. Sage is messed up with their break up and dealing with her feelings. Add in a few new people, some high school acquaintances with a grudge, and Ms. Jones has a fantastic mystery that kept me guessing. 

Four Stars 
I truly enjoyed this story. The mystery, the sister's bond, the paranormal aspect of the story, the grouchy police detectives, and the setting are all superb. My rating for In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones is four stars, and I recommend that you check it out. Hopefully, in the near future, I will be able to read the first book in the series, Snuffed Out

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones. 

Until the next time, 

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