A review by kahlan
The Never Have I Ever Club by Mary Jayne Baker


i'm going to be honest and say i don't remember too much, so i'll speak on what i do remember.

it was a cute small town romance, about twin brothers, ash and will, and the literal girl next door, robyn. she's recovering from an out-of-the-blue-breakup and wants to life her life not regretting things. she and her friends start it and invite the town to partake. this breakup was with these twin brother she has known her whole life who got scared of his emotions and the pace of where their relationship was heading, instead of saying can we maybe slow down or i'm not at the marriage state or hey like i'd like a long engagement he ups and moves to australia. so, so far totally on par with things that can/have happened (not sarcasm, i really appreciate when i can believe things).

since the breakup, she has left out the other twin, will, but when she goes to the doctors for a pap smear (i'm pretty sure) the doctor is will and this is a health scare so she gets a little closer after the waiting time of two weeks is up and she still hasn't gotten the results. will eventually calls her out that she's left him out even of the friend group even though he wasn't the one to hurt her. she invites him back to the club (the one pre- NHIE) and slowly they regrow their friendship and eventually realize that they like/love each other romantically.

this was a lot to say this is a cute childhood friends to kinda not friends but neighbors to friends again to lovers.

also that was just a synopsis of the book with spoliers *kinda* and extremely long for no reason :)

i will say that one of my fav scenes is when will sees that robyn didn't have a good day, he goes over in a (purposefully) awful outfit for her to fix and get him to be presentable for people to see. especially since it was right before ash comes back and he was trying to be a really good friend but it was the start of us (the reader) seeing the feelings start