A review by mzjai117
Reclaiming Our Space: How Black Feminists Are Changing the World from the Tweets to the Streets by Feminista Jones


I'm a Feminist. I'm a Black Woman. I'm a Black Feminist. After reading Reclaiming Our Space I wanted to proclaim it and shout it from the rooftops. I don't remember how I even learned about this book but I decided to buy it last week. I'm not sorry that I did, in fact this has become one of my favorite books that I've read this year. Feminista Jones gives me the language to express how I feel about being a feminist and a black woman. There's a particular quote in the book that I had to put a star by just so that I can quote it properly. As a matter a fact I dogeared about 25% of the pages in the book just so that I can go back and read/quote many of the important things in the book.

"The reaction of Black men to feminism has been notoriously negative. They are, of course, even more, threatened than Black women by the possibility that Black feminists might organize around our own needs. They realize that they might not only lose valuable and hardworking allies in their struggles but that they might also be forced to change their habitually sexist ways of interacting with and oppressing Black women. Accusations that Black feminism divides the Black struggle are powerful deterrents to the growth of an autonomous Black women's movement."


Feminista discusses how she and many other black feminists have been accused of working with the CIA or FBI to take down the black family by putting black men in jail. I know from my own personal experience any Black woman that doesn't subscribe to black male patriarchal thinking is always accused of "working with or for the white man". For a long time, I think I was sad about that though but I can now be proud and hold my head up high knowing that I'm one of a long line of Black Feminists that are changing the world and dismantling systems that have oppressed us for so long.
Some of the notable Black Feminists have been:
*Soujourner Trfuth
*Audre Lourde
*Queen Latifah
*Angela Davis
*Alice Walker
*Lisa "Left Eye Lopes
*Florynce Kennedy
*Missy Elliot
*Michele Wallace
*Patricia Hill Collins
*Amy Garvey
*Kimberle Crenshaw