A review by yetanothersusan
We All Love the Beautiful Girls by Joanne Proulx


They always say that tragedy will either bring people closer together or tear them apart. Somehow this book does both. Reading it was simultaneously like watching a train wreck and story of redemption and hope. I don't know how else to put it. Michael and Mia deal with finding out they have been conned by their best friend while also dealing with a horrible accident that has permanently altered their son's future. Instead of coming together, they begin to lean on others and it is watching this ballet that is the heart of the story. One part of the story broke my heart. I guess it needed to be there to show how far out of control the damage got, but I felt it unnecessary, as though the author kicked the reader while they were down. However, I guess caring for characters this much is a sign of good writing.

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review.