A review by tawnyad2004
The Heir by Grace Burrowes


So I listened to the audio book of this one and I was really enjoying it. Then I got about 2/3rds through it and it started dropping in stars. At the beginning I appreciated the heroine Anna. She was competent, intelligent and brave. By the end of the book I was viewing her as more of an idiot and there are 2 reasons for this
1. Her trust issue with the Duke. He has given her NO REASON whatsoever not to trust him. He’s honest and follows through on things he promises. She has this big secret she’s keeping from him and when sh!$ starts to hit the fan she doesn’t trust him to help. I don’t get it. There’s no real reason for it. For crying out loud she gave him her virginity. Doesn’t that show some kind of trust? It felt forced as if to draw out the book which let’s be honest was rather long winded at times. So because she doesn’t trust the Duke of course things go from bad to worse.
2. The whole does he love me, want me. The dude asked you to marry him like 5 times!!!! Yes the farther down the lists of proposals the less romantic they got but geez. At this point he’s just trying to get you to say yes. So then she goes off all mopping.
By the end of it I wanted to hit her upside the head, both of them really. The ending was drawn out, long and unnecessary. I will listen to the next book bc like I said I was really enjoying the book till we got a little closer to the end.