A review by lacy30twin1
Highland Raven by Melanie Karsak


I give this book a 3.2. Having no prior knowledge of Scottish history or folklore, I still found this book interesting.
Gruouch/Corbie/Cerridwen is the daughter of Boite, I guess, a fearsome warrior and brother to the king. I'm not really sure why his particular bloodline is so special. Her mother dies during childbirth, so she is sent to be raised by her father's half-sister.
At 16, she is secretly sent to a coven to learn the old ways of the Scottish gods. This is around the time when Christianity is spreading and practicing any other faith was not acceptable. During her time at the coven she learns some of the old ways but also is to be to goddess Cerridwen reincarnated. She also Queen Boudicca. It's a lot I know. Oh, she's also a Wyrd Sister. During her visions with them, she sees her future dark-haired King but doesn't know who he is or how he comes to marry him.
During her time at the coven, she also meets her husband from a past life and because of their "soul tie" she feels that she's meant to be with him. Oh yeah, before she's sent tonthe coven she is to be betrothed to someone to solidify the King's (her uncle) stronghold in the region.
This book was kind of all over the place and a lot of pertinent information was left out. The author appears to have written this book under the presumption that everyone who picks it up is familiar with Scottish history and folklore. Cerridwen's father is significant in the royal bloodline but it's not sufficiently explained. How Gruouch is all those other people reincarnated AND a Wyrd sister isn't explained very well, and the plot didn't really progress in a way that made sense. I think the premise of the book is great. I just wish the execution was better. Because the book truly ended in what seems like the middle of a chapter, I'm going to read the next book.
This author has written 74 books and quote a few of them sound really interesting. I just hope I can enjoy her other writings enough to look pass the clunkiness of the writing style.