A review by booknerd_1107
Hot Daddy by Lila Monroe


Hot Daddy

**received an arc in exchange for an honest review**

5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hot Daddy is sexy, fun story about a guy who needs to clean up his imagine fast with the help of a fake fiancé. This was a great romantic comedy with two main characters who will capture your heat and you will be rooting for the whole way. You won’t want to put this book down.

Jules is working her way up to be a serious lawyer but trouble comes her way in the form of a partner’s son. When she suddenly finds herself with time on her hands and no income, she begins to get desperate for any type of job. Including becoming someone’s fake fiancé.

Cal wants to keep his godchildren and the only way he believes he can do that is by hiring a fake fiancé. When he finds out Jules is going to be his fiancé he knows he is in for a wild ride. He never forgot her from that night years ago and now he has a chance not only to get his godchildren but maybe to get the girl also. He just needs to convince her.

Jules and Cal’s relationship begins to grow and they decide that maybe they should give each other a chance. But just when they think everything is clicking into place, the bottom falls out and threatens the small chance they have. Will they fight for one another and for the family they have started? Or will they let their chance go by?