A review by fiinch
Bunny by Mona Awad

I have so many things to say about this book but I also just can’t think of anything to say??😭 my thoughts changed a lot throughout it — sometimes I was thinking of giving it a generous 3 stars and other times I really wished there was something higher than 5 for me to give it tbh. I enjoyed it a lot but I don’t think I’d ever read it again and I’m not really sure why?

I think it was a REALLY effective satire but I do think a lot of the reviews that compare it to Clueless/ Mean Girls saw it really differently to I did. It’s way creepier and more deranged than those but IN A GOOD WAY. At so many points i really had no clue what was real and what wasn’t or what I was reading, and it was definitely meant to be that way. The writing was FANTASTIC. I’d die for the writing. It was so so brilliant for a story like this and it made me feel like i was really in Sam’s head which was so crucial considering so much of it all WAS just in her head. I think the big reveal of everything towards the end was a little whack and I lost my place for a bit just because I didn’t really understand the back-to-forth future-past storytelling, but again I think this was effective. Once everything made sense in my mind I really appreciated how it was all revealed. I do SORT of think that the book took itself too seriously at times and Samantha acted in very normal ways to very insane situations, but also the contrast of that worked well sometimes. I DON’T KNOW HONESTLY i feel like all my thoughts on this book are so conflicting.

I LOVED the writing and really enjoyed how, despite being a mockery, the story could be read independent from that and still be fantastic. It doesn’t rely on the reader understanding the deeper message yk😻i myself definitely missed heaps of that as well.

I think sometimes the characterisation was lacking and things I thought would matter never did. But I can be convinced that all of the negatives I found in the book actually work out to be positives in one way or another, and I’m sure most of them were deliberate

I can’t even give it a rating because I think my mind will change every time I talk about it. But I’ll 100% tell everybody I know to read it