A review by purrfectpages
Flannery by Lisa Moore


Flannery Malone is just a girl, staring at a boy, wishing he'd fall in love with her. The lad in question is resident bad boy, Tyrone O'Rourke. Only Flannery knew him before he was a bad boy- back when their moms were best friends and single moms together. But that was years ago. Reunited after being paired together on a high school project, Flannery feels that fate must be intervening after all.

Only Tyrone has no interest in the project, or school in general. So Flannery has no choice but to go it alone. Adding to her pressures are problems at home and with her best friend who is changing before her eyes. But when the project starts to come together, oddly, so does her life.

I liked Flannery, but I didn't understand her obsession with Tyrone. He doesn't even really play a big role in this story, unless you consider the flashbacks he's in. Her feelings for him never really get any justification and really are not what the story is about. And everything with her best friend Amber and sort of love interest Kyle made the story's purpose all that more confusing. Instead I'd categorize this book as a tale of growing up and trying to keep it together.

In short, I felt this book had a bit of an identity crisis. In the beginning, I thought this book was going to be funny. By the middle, I thought it was better categorized as introspective. By the end I felt it was just sad. I guess you could argue life itself has a bit of all of these parts, but as the general tone for a novel, something just didn't work.