A review by themarishale
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


LETHAL RIDER by Larissa Ione can be summed up in one word: wow.

Yes. Wow.

I had very high expectations for this installment of Ione's LORDS OF DELIVERANCE series, and I was not disappointed. Having read IMMORTAL RIDER, I knew Than and Regan were in for a bumpy ride on their way to their HEA, but what I did not expect was how much I enjoyed taking the ride with them.

Yes, there is gut wrenching pain inflicted upon our hero and heroine. Yes, they go through Hell (literally? Maybe, but you'll have to read for yourself to be sure.) to earn their HEA. Yes, they have MAJOR issues that must be resolved. However, Ms. Ione handles all of this, and more, expertly.

Gone is the lengthy world building required in ETERNAL RIDER, so LETHAL RIDER kicks off with action and, thankfully for the reader, never lets up. Though this makes things difficult for the characters, the constant action and danger is tempered with wonderful humor ("So you're kind of my . . . grandfather." LOL.), and fantastic sex scenes that are more about intimacy (mostly) than the physical act. Which, of course, is perfectly written for two characters who have always had to keep their distance from people.

Expect to find a love story that is fraught with missteps and mistrust and danger from all sides, but know that it is all well done and worth reading. Basically, Wraith may be my favorite from the DEMONICA series, but after reading this book, Than is now my favorite Horseman. :)

Additionally, the partial resolution of the situation with Reseph is perfect, and I am eager for the release of ROGUE RIDER. I am also eager to know if Reaver will ever have his own book. A bibliophile can dream, right? ;)

LETHAL RIDER is a brilliant addition to the LORDS OF DELIVERANCE series, and if you haven't read it yet, find the time to do so. You won't regret it.